Solutions determinants of bone density in older men, colleagues and Orwoll
found the following related to the low IPC: age, previous >> << fracture, gastrectomy, peptic ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis , glucocorticoid use
hypertension, previous hyperthyroidism, chronic lung disease and smoking
. High-ABOUT
in the same study was positively associated with weight, moderate alcohol consumption
, osteoarthritis and thiazide use. In a study of healthy men aged
'70 showed that measures body composition, such as weight and muscle mass
were the main predictors of bone mass >>. Men with low
<< hip BMD neck of age had significantly less weight and muscle mass;
low IPC spine age was also significantly lower fat >> << mass. . The most common is hypogonadism and glucocorticoids. In addition,
gastrointestinal disease, vitamin D deficiency, excessive alcohol consumption or chronic use
anticonvulsants are present in large quantities. Recently
transplantation has become an important cause of osteoporosis in men and >> << and women. Open hypogonadism has long been recognized as a cause osteopenia or osteoporosis
. Using dual energy x-ray absorbtsiometrii (DEXA) Finkelstein and others
others. ,
Found that men with a history of delayed puberty were significantly lower
spinal bone density than the corresponding age healthy. Although there was no
large overlap with normal men, many of those with delayed puberty have osteopenia
or osteoporosis. Delay sex also reduces >> << perednezadniy diameter of the vertebral bodies, causing a clear decrease in bone density
(g / cm
) and volumetric bone density
(g / cm. This observation is
controversial, at least >> <<, reducing the size of the vertebral himself seems associated with an increased risk of fractures >> << History delay puberty caused. in some 2-3% of men
the so-called idiopathic osteoporosis. These results show that the terms
puberty is an important determinant of peak bone mass, which in turn
the main determinant of bone density later in life (as in women) .. When
hypogonadism acquired in adulthood, osteoporosis seems to the drug lasix bring
largely from accelerated bone loss mass >>. << In addition to causing bone loss immediately, corticosteroids may act indirectly
causing hypogonadism. dose-dependent decrease in serum testosterone
is believed to result, as the suppression of hypothalamic gonadotropin- releasing hormone secretion
and direct effects on testicular testosterone production >>. << While moderate alcohol consumption seems to be associated with an increased
ABOUT, excessive drinking temperature ' linked with osteopenia / osteoporosis and osteoporosis fractures
Why excessive alcohol consumption have a negative affect on not known, but a possible mechanism >> << decreases bone formation by direct effects on the function osteoblasts.
Additional factors are the lack of vitamin D / deficiency and low serum testosterone
common in alcoholics. When all possible causes excluded a significant portion of people with osteoporosis
(almost 50%) comes into the category of idiopathic .
Some studies reported a decrease in osteoblast function
in this group >>. << Increased bone resorption has also been proposed, but data is not
convincing. insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration was found to
positively correlated with the IPC in men but not in
women and low
IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 were reported in men with idiopathic osteoporosis> ;>. << No clinical significance nor the mechanism of this observation is clear. relative or partial deficiency of estrogen have also been proposed as possible mechanisms >> << In idiopathic osteoporosis. Another hypothesis is that in some >> << men with idiopathic osteoporosis, stem cells are poorly correspond to normal levels of estrogen
through estrogen receptor defective expression
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