Friday, February 24, 2012

Researchers led by university of abertay

Women can slobber over George Clooney and Brad Pitt, but their thirst may be over for these brave boys' immune systems than their cute faces and chiseled abs, say authors of a new study. Men with high levels of sex hormone testosterone are more hard worker, and lasix 50 mg iv these same people have a stronger immune response, researchers reported Tuesday (February 21) in relation journal Nature. These data suggest that women may be attracted to courageous people like, so that macho look indicates health. Researchers led by University of Abertay Fhionna Moore in the United Kingdom work 74 Latvian men aged 20 years, to give blood samples before and one month after the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine causes the immune system to create antibodies against the virus. Researchers measured the levels of these antibodies and testosterone levels and the level of stress hormone cortisol. Next, 94 Latvian women and the age of 20, rated photos ... .

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