Friday, February 24, 2012

During the peak bone density is achieved

This is a disease that manifests as a decrease in bone mass and reduce bone resulting in weak and brittle bones. This condition is often observed in postmenopausal women, and is now attributed to the lack of calcium and increased requirements for calcium. Some of the common bones that are at high risk facing hip fracture, spine and wrist. During the peak bone density is achieved at the age of 25 years, is necessary to maintain bone density by taking enough calcium supplements in the future. This condition occurs when there is imbalance between the formation of new bone and old bone resorption. There are two important mineral needed for proper bone formation and calcium phosphate. When the state of osteoporosis occurs or when there is a decrease in calcium, a mineral that is essential for normal functioning of vital organs like brain, heart and other organs takes precedence. This in turn will reduce the resorption of calcium for bone formation.synthetic anabolic steroids This condition, eventually leading to weakening and lasix drug increased bone fragility. Hormonal imbalance and deficiency: This is the main cause of osteoporosis, estrogen deficiency in women and androgens in men may lead to an imbalance between resorption of bone calcium and bone formation. Production of the hormone estrogen reduced women decreases after menopause and are known to be responsible for proper that affect calcium absorption. Supplementing the women in addition to layoffs hormone estrogen than low calcium intake will include, lack, lack of weight bearing exercises and other age-related changes, such as endocrine function. Other conditions responsible for the occurrence of osteoporosis will include the abuse of over the counter medications such as corticosteroids, thyroid problems, cancer of the bones, muscles lack of genetic diseases and medicines, in addition to diet calcium. Women are at greater risk than men in postmenopausal syndromes, family history and thinner women are at higher risk. Lifestyle habits like smoking, eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia, decreased calcium in the diet, heavy, sedentary lifestyle, use of drugs, corticosteroids, anticonvulsants and are among the risk factors that cause osteoporosis. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, are prone to osteoporosis. What can be changed to reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis: Some of the common risk factors that can result in osteoporosis and that can be avoided is a low calcium intake, tobacco use, eating disorders, sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs and corticosteroid Other medications like those used for breast cancer, anti-depressants. SSRIs, anti-seizure medication and Al-containing antacids. Risk factors that can not be avoided to prevent osteoporosis Some of the common risk factors that can not be avoided to prevent osteoporosis is that you are a woman, aging, heredity, size and position of the body, allocation and impact of thyroid hormones and Some diseases like Crohn's disease, celiac disease,

and Cushing's syndrome. .

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