Friday, February 24, 2012

It is not easy to treat pain.

One insidious thing that osteoporosis is an asymptomatic disease

- no noticeable symptoms in most people with this disease, especially

in the early years. There is no pain, no swelling, no change in how the patient

looks or feels. The first visible symptoms may be bone fractures

or apparent loss of height, so far good with osteoporosis. This is one reason, older people should have periodic bone density testing. In later stages symptoms include pain and literally ugly. It is not easy to treat pain. I do not think aspirin or ibuprofen can affect

this type of pain. Injury may mean a person's body looks different. Kyphosis, or hump widow osteoporosis of the spine when the patient curve

compresses and so there is a loss of height. This is not always painful

(sometimes not painful at all), but he says the observers of human osteoporosis. Small fractures can be painful, or can and strazhdalets

do not know the fracture has not occurred without X-ray. Minor >> << fractures up over time and can cause pain and can also

increases the risk of large fractures. Stress fractures in patients with osteoporosis

often is because it may seem trivial

source of stress. Walk or resign one step can cause stress fractures

someone with weak bones. When fractures occur in the spine, pain is often severe and feels

patient as pain radiating from the middle of the body side. may be a sign

osteoporosis, too. You've heard a lot of elderly people with broken hips. Often it is not

thighs, which itself breaks, hip and high at the hip. Most

people who break a hip bone to weaken. Sometimes they get

broken hip in a fall, sometimes bone breaks through

some very trivial stress (shodyachy step) and the resulting gap

makes a man fall. Our bones are constantly renovated throughout life. Hard minerals

broken cells called osteoclasts and then built before other cells called osteoblasts

. This reconstruction is very important for treatment

microscopic cracks that occur during daily activities. Unfortunately

osteoblast activity slows down with age, while osteoclasts hold

eating away the bone at a fairly constant speed. Over time this leads to

low bone density. In addition, loss lasix 150 mg of bone density increases when a woman circulating >> << hormones decrease after menopause. As bone loss increases with age, steady process of bone remodeling or turnover

remove bone than it replaces it. It includes two separate >> << stages: (1) bone resorption and bone formation, and (2) the formation of bone. Since

calcium stored in bone cells known as osteoclasts surface and attach

, on the surface of bone where there is a need for calcium. Osteoblasts that form bone cells

then break down bone and leave tiny deepen and penetrate her sh th

collagen and other proteins stimulates bone mineralization. Once osteoblasts

merge with calcium and other minerals and proteins, new bone matrix material >> << replace what was lost, which makes them osteocytes. According to Harvard Health Watch Women resorption at a specific site >> << bones takes about two weeks, while education may take 3

months or more. If the reconstruction process from a state of balance, bone

can lead to serious loss of bone, so that way comparable bone >> << the risk of fractures. As men and women approach 35, replaces bone breakdown bone build

and achieving low-density bone is almost a default position for many >> << approaching middle age. For several years, women lose bone 3:58

times faster than it was before menopause, according to the magazine Consumer FDA. Bone according to the Cleveland Clinic, is a process >> << restore bone calcium diet or the body slows down and inevitably

takes more lives, depending on the state of his health in general. Doctors might suspect, when the patient is a violation or treatment known to cause osteoporosis

like, >> << hyperparathyroidism, hypercalciuria, and glucocorticoids. Widespread procedure used to diagnose osteoporosis Scientists at work trying to figure out

simple ways to study the microarchitecture of bone as

way to diagnose osteoporosis. Research trends found that hip fractures among Americans increased from

mid 80's to mid 90's, then dropped to the mid 2000s. Mortality >> << ranging from hip fractures also decreased over the same period. British company ClinRisk publish a site that evaluates the risk of fractures due >> << osteoporosis.immune system article Their own algorithm copyrighted

- that does not explain on their website - uses information about the patient on

age, medicine and alcohol consumption, body mass index and more. It reported assessment

fractures in the next 10 years. This can be useful and interesting for some people, but it should not replace the

to visit the doctor's office. Often recognized under state osteopenia may be a precursor >> << to the development of osteoporosis. High risk and their doctors

should keep their eyes for osteopenia and make an informed decision about

need to take medication, along with exercise, diet and

lifestyle modifications. Other diseases of bones, which can be confused with osteoporosis and include. Source material to this page,

updated. October 1, 2011 << >>

Some studies reported a decrease in osteoblast function

Solutions determinants of bone density in older men, colleagues and Orwoll

found the following related to the low IPC: age, previous >> << fracture, gastrectomy, peptic ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis , glucocorticoid use

hypertension, previous hyperthyroidism, chronic lung disease and smoking

. High-ABOUT

in the same study was positively associated with weight, moderate alcohol consumption

, osteoarthritis and thiazide use. In a study of healthy men aged

'70 showed that measures body composition, such as weight and muscle mass

were the main predictors of bone mass >>. Men with low

<< hip BMD neck of age had significantly less weight and muscle mass;

low IPC spine age was also significantly lower fat >> << mass. . The most common is hypogonadism and glucocorticoids. In addition,

gastrointestinal disease, vitamin D deficiency, excessive alcohol consumption or chronic use

anticonvulsants are present in large quantities. Recently

transplantation has become an important cause of osteoporosis in men and >> << and women. Open hypogonadism has long been recognized as a cause osteopenia or osteoporosis

. Using dual energy x-ray absorbtsiometrii (DEXA) Finkelstein and others

others. ,

Found that men with a history of delayed puberty were significantly lower

spinal bone density than the corresponding age healthy. Although there was no

large overlap with normal men, many of those with delayed puberty have osteopenia

or osteoporosis. Delay sex also reduces >> << perednezadniy diameter of the vertebral bodies, causing a clear decrease in bone density

(g / cm

) and volumetric bone density

(g / cm. This observation is

controversial, at least >> <<, reducing the size of the vertebral himself seems associated with an increased risk of fractures >> << History delay puberty caused. in some 2-3% of men

the so-called idiopathic osteoporosis. These results show that the terms

puberty is an important determinant of peak bone mass, which in turn

the main determinant of bone density later in life (as in women) .. When

hypogonadism acquired in adulthood, osteoporosis seems to the drug lasix bring

largely from accelerated bone loss mass >>. << In addition to causing bone loss immediately, corticosteroids may act indirectly

causing hypogonadism. dose-dependent decrease in serum testosterone

is believed to result, as the suppression of hypothalamic gonadotropin- releasing hormone secretion

and direct effects on testicular testosterone production >>. << While moderate alcohol consumption seems to be associated with an increased

ABOUT, excessive drinking temperature ' linked with osteopenia / osteoporosis and osteoporosis fractures


Why excessive alcohol consumption have a negative affect on not known, but a possible mechanism >> << decreases bone formation by direct effects on the function osteoblasts.

Additional factors are the lack of vitamin D / deficiency and low serum testosterone

common in alcoholics. When all possible causes excluded a significant portion of people with osteoporosis

(almost 50%) comes into the category of idiopathic .

Some studies reported a decrease in osteoblast function

in this group >>. << Increased bone resorption has also been proposed, but data is not

convincing. insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration was found to

positively correlated with the IPC in men but not in

women and low

IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 were reported in men with idiopathic osteoporosis> ;>. << No clinical significance nor the mechanism of this observation is clear. relative or partial deficiency of estrogen have also been proposed as possible mechanisms >> << In idiopathic osteoporosis. Another hypothesis is that in some >> << men with idiopathic osteoporosis, stem cells are poorly correspond to normal levels of estrogen

through estrogen receptor defective expression


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Researchers led by university of abertay

Women can slobber over George Clooney and Brad Pitt, but their thirst may be over for these brave boys' immune systems than their cute faces and chiseled abs, say authors of a new study. Men with high levels of sex hormone testosterone are more hard worker, and lasix 50 mg iv these same people have a stronger immune response, researchers reported Tuesday (February 21) in relation journal Nature. These data suggest that women may be attracted to courageous people like, so that macho look indicates health. Researchers led by University of Abertay Fhionna Moore in the United Kingdom work 74 Latvian men aged 20 years, to give blood samples before and one month after the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine causes the immune system to create antibodies against the virus. Researchers measured the levels of these antibodies and testosterone levels and the level of stress hormone cortisol. Next, 94 Latvian women and the age of 20, rated photos ... .

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During the peak bone density is achieved

This is a disease that manifests as a decrease in bone mass and reduce bone resulting in weak and brittle bones. This condition is often observed in postmenopausal women, and is now attributed to the lack of calcium and increased requirements for calcium. Some of the common bones that are at high risk facing hip fracture, spine and wrist. During the peak bone density is achieved at the age of 25 years, is necessary to maintain bone density by taking enough calcium supplements in the future. This condition occurs when there is imbalance between the formation of new bone and old bone resorption. There are two important mineral needed for proper bone formation and calcium phosphate. When the state of osteoporosis occurs or when there is a decrease in calcium, a mineral that is essential for normal functioning of vital organs like brain, heart and other organs takes precedence. This in turn will reduce the resorption of calcium for bone formation.synthetic anabolic steroids This condition, eventually leading to weakening and lasix drug increased bone fragility. Hormonal imbalance and deficiency: This is the main cause of osteoporosis, estrogen deficiency in women and androgens in men may lead to an imbalance between resorption of bone calcium and bone formation. Production of the hormone estrogen reduced women decreases after menopause and are known to be responsible for proper that affect calcium absorption. Supplementing the women in addition to layoffs hormone estrogen than low calcium intake will include, lack, lack of weight bearing exercises and other age-related changes, such as endocrine function. Other conditions responsible for the occurrence of osteoporosis will include the abuse of over the counter medications such as corticosteroids, thyroid problems, cancer of the bones, muscles lack of genetic diseases and medicines, in addition to diet calcium. Women are at greater risk than men in postmenopausal syndromes, family history and thinner women are at higher risk. Lifestyle habits like smoking, eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia, decreased calcium in the diet, heavy, sedentary lifestyle, use of drugs, corticosteroids, anticonvulsants and are among the risk factors that cause osteoporosis. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, are prone to osteoporosis. What can be changed to reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis: Some of the common risk factors that can result in osteoporosis and that can be avoided is a low calcium intake, tobacco use, eating disorders, sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs and corticosteroid Other medications like those used for breast cancer, anti-depressants. SSRIs, anti-seizure medication and Al-containing antacids. Risk factors that can not be avoided to prevent osteoporosis Some of the common risk factors that can not be avoided to prevent osteoporosis is that you are a woman, aging, heredity, size and position of the body, allocation and impact of thyroid hormones and Some diseases like Crohn's disease, celiac disease,

and Cushing's syndrome. .

In one case proved to be enough liquid in


Power grows faster after training sessions if they have enough in the body. Dehydration or hypohydration as scientists call it, reduces the natural production of anabolic hormones after weight training and stimulates the production of catabolic hormones. Sports scientists at the University of California to write about the phenomenon in the Journal of Applied Physiology. If you lose a few percent of your body by dehydration quality training force will shrink.elite anabolics Moreover, studies of endurance athletes suggest that dehydration increases the synthesis of cortisol after training. Finally, the fat cells that have a good supply of water may release their fatty acids in the blood easier and muscle cells burn less protein if they are full of water. Thus, we can say. Studies Cal State increases that we know the importance of normal water balance for power athletes lasix prescritpion. Researchers have seven bodybuilders to go through the same workout 3 times: Squat with 80 weight at which they could only manage a repeat. In one case proved to be enough liquid in the body [the EU], on the other hand, they lost 2. 5 percent of their body weight by dehydration [HY25], and the third they lost 5 percent of their weight through dehydration [HY50]. After training the researchers measured the amount of anabolic and catabolic hormones in the blood of subjects. They noted, leading to dehydration High cortisol peak after training and decreased - but not much - the release of testosterone and growth hormone. (Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, who repeated the experiment in 2009, using less leucine there is no change. "These data show that the state of water is an important factor in the modulation of hormonal and metabolic responses of resistance training," the researchers conclude. January 21 .. 2011

25. 03. 2010

23. 08. 2009

09. 07. 2009

20. 01. 2009

17. 09. 2008 << >>

They range from unattractive to life-threatening and include

Anabolic steroids are man-made substances related buy lasix 40 mg to male sex hormones. Medical use of anabolic steroids include some hormone problems in men in late puberty and loss of muscle mass from some diseases. Bodybuilders and athletes often use anabolic steroids to build muscle and improve athletic facts of the immune system But use them so not a legitimate and safe. Abuse of anabolic steroids has been linked to many health problems. They range from unattractive to life-threatening and include

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